About Us

Hello dear readers,

Dini’s here! Ok, I always feel kinda weird everytime I have to write something about myself. Anyway here we go~~

I’m 22 years old, I graduated in 2009 from The University of Nottingham Malaysia, majoring in International Business Management. I spent all my teenager years in Malaysia since year nine. So please do bear with my language, because some melayu words might slip out of nowhere. Hahaha..

Currently I’m working at Akbar’s Financial Check Up as a Financial Planner. I aint an expert yet in this business, in fact im still a newbie. I took a basic financial planning class at International Association of Registered Consultants and now waiting to continue to intermediate level of financial planning to get my RFA title (Registered Financial Associate).

In the process of learning, I would like to share with you all what I have learnt and I hope by giving you guys some articles , I would be able to help many Indonesian chicks to be more responsible with their money. Well I aint that geek haha so beside spending my time learning about investment, I love watching movies, travelling (when I do have the budget haha), and chilling out with my best buds.

Ok enough from now :)

with love,


Hi2 for all  the chicks who read our blog, Runi’s here!! Since it’s my first time having a blog so bear with me if you see any mistakes.

I’m 22 years old right now. Even though I’m old enough I still need to finish my study since I quitted because of my health problem. For the past 4 years I lived in The Hague, so if sometimes I put in some Dutch don’t hit me!! :) I studied in Haagse Hogeschool, studying European Studies and specializing in Communication Management. At the moment while I’m doing my treatment, I work in 2 places, One Eleven and Akbar's Financial Check Up. Both is in service line but with different subjects. One is in communication corporate service and the other one is in financial planning. I enjoy both of my job since I studied communications in university and I like numbers as well, which is why I'm interested in taking class for Basic in IARFC while I'm waiting to start my work in few months ago.

Working is what I do right now, while looking for the perfect place to continue my studies so I can get my bachelor as soon as possible! I really can’t wait to study again! I want to take online classes so it won't clash with my job, then I can enjoy both my working time and my studying time. At the moment, I still waiting for my intermediate class for getting my RFA to help me in my financial management.

While relaxing, I like reading, listening to music, watching movie, or just hanging out with my bestfriend and family :)

Ok I got to stop before I keep blabbering about myself.

